Are you looking for an alternative to Invisalign or traditional metal braces? Look no further! Dr. Brian Chamberlain provides clear aligners in Las Vegas, NV to straighten your teeth and help you achieve the smile you have always wanted.

What Are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are an excellent option for patients who want a more discreet orthodontic treatment option. They are nearly invisible, allowing you to maintain a natural and professional appearance while also moving your teeth into their optimal positions.

Clear aligners can treat the same issues as traditional braces, including:

  • Crowded teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Gapped and spaced teeth
  • Bad bites, including overbites, underbites, crossbites and open bites

What Goes Into Creating Clear Aligners?

This straightening system uses a series of custom-made, computer-generated plastic aligners to straighten your teeth. Each set of aligners makes small adjustments to the positions of your teeth, and as you switch to new sets of aligners every few weeks, your teeth will gradually move into their correct positions until your smile is properly aligned. You will meet with our orthodontist regularly throughout your treatment to ensure your smile is progressing as planned.

Clear aligners offer many benefits beyond properly aligning your teeth, such as:

  • More comfortable treatment
  • Removable aligners, allowing you to eat, brush and floss normally
  • Virtually invisible aligners
  • Noninvasive, digital scanning used to create aligners and simulate treatment outcomes
  • No emergency visits for broken or irritating wires

We invite you to call SuperSmile Orthodontics today at 702-645-5100 to schedule a consultation with our orthodontist and learn if clear aligners in Las Vegas, Nevada, are right for you!


Learn more about our aligner options here:

FAQ’s About Clear Aligners

What are the benefits of Clear Aligners?

Clear Aligners offer several benefits, including discreet treatment, improved oral hygiene as the aligners are removable for eating and cleaning, and greater comfort compared to traditional braces.

How long does the Clear Aligners treatment take?

The duration of Clear Aligners treatment varies depending on individual needs but typically ranges from a few months to a year.

Are Clear Aligners suitable for everyone?

Clear Aligners are a popular choice for individuals looking to discreetly straighten their teeth without the restrictions of metal braces, but a consultation with our experienced orthodontist in Las Vegas, NV will determine if you are a suitable candidate for Clear Aligners.

Will Clear Aligners affect my daily activities?

Clear Aligners are designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle, allowing you to eat, drink, brush, and floss with ease.

How do I take care of my Clear Aligners?

Ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of your Clear Aligners involves strictly following our orthodontist’s recommendations for their proper use and care. This encompasses regular cleaning and wearing them for the prescribed amount of time each day. Compliance with these guidelines is essential for achieving and preserving your perfect smile.

How can I schedule a consultation for Clear Aligners in Las Vegas, NV?

Begin your journey towards a beautifully straight smile with Clear Aligners by reaching out to our orthodontic office in Las Vegas, NV for a tailored consultation. Our skilled team is eager to assist you in achieving the smile of your dreams. Contact us today to get started. We’re excited to be a part of your smile transformation journey.